Keyword Density Checker

Enter a URL

You can enter an URL or copy-paste content into the text input field; then, this tool will detect the total number of keywords found inside the web page's body. The algorithm takes in a set of strings of words and calculates word-word or phrase-phrase combinations based on similarity and frequency. Based on these numbers, the word count is calculated.

How important is keyword density for SEO?

Today's search engines' keyword density is a tiny factor when ranking pages for a specific keyword.

Make sure that your focus keywords are used throughout the on-page content of your Amazon product listings.

You must have a reasonable title tag, meta description, H1, body, alt tag, and internal links to ensure your readers understand your content.

Even though the on-page elements like titles, meta tags, content, links, and image alt tags are majorly important for the success of a website, it’s the off-page factors that play.

What Is Keyword Density?

Keywords are one of the best ways to improve your site’s performance in the SERPs. They can improve your traffic by directing new visitors to the appropriate pages, which ultimately leads to more revenue.

Keyword stuffing used to be acceptable to get more search traffic and increase your ranking in search results. But it's no longer the case, so you shouldn't do it.

If you haven't already seen it, please look at this infographic. It'll give insight into how many backlinks you need for your site to rank high in the SERPs.

As search engines have become more sophisticated and can identify and penalize attempts to manipulate their rankings, they are improving at preventing spam.

As a result, many bloggers and authors are now focused on creating longer-form content.

This allows writers to easily include more relevant keywords, as well as LSI keywords.

What is the best / ideal keyword density?

The best keyword density should be like the ideal content length, an important question asked by many and thankfully answered by very few.

This question can't be answered precisely because it all depends on the topic you’re writing about.

Some topics should go into long content forms because they are ideal for long forms, many words in the same topic, and a lot of synonyms.

On the other hand, you have the topics that are best served with a compact piece of content and more repetition of the exact keywords.

I agree with the advice that it’s best to write naturally and for humans instead of computer algorithms and crawlers.

What Is The Competition Doing?

A lot of the time, you only see what ranks when you search for something on Google.

You don't see the thousands of pages reviewed and rejected due to pushing too hard.

If you are in the dark on reasonable density levels, consider patterning your approach after what is working right now.

Brand strength is the most important ranking factor for high-quality content on a less-known website. If you have an established website, it is important to maintain the quality of your links so that you don't lose any PageRank.

What Should My Keyword Density Be?

There is no single optimal or universal keyword density percentage.

This is a very complex process. Each search query is unique, and search engines compare (or normalize) documents against other top documents to determine some of their specific thresholds.

When a user searches for one of your keywords, Amazon will try to present the most relevant results.

Also, some of the most trusted websites can likely get away with more repetition than smaller, less trusted sites.

There’s a general rule of thumb regarding keyword frequency – the more you use, the better.

Google On-page Classifiers

In Google, April 2012 Update This was the first time they rolled out on-page classifiers, which penalized some pages with excessive word repetition.

Lazy & uninformed content is usually pretty repetitive because people who are paid to write often tend to not only not edit their work but also to throw in more filler words. People paid to write usually don't have the incentive to trim the fat or do deep research.

If Google thinks you should rank repetitive, low-information text-based pages poorly, then it's likely that you should.

In this day and age, these types of tools are mainly used by SEOs to lower their keyword focus and include additional words to support their main keywords. Q: Possible to write a macro for the text "X" instead of manually typing it?

The video to the right discusses optimizing your on-page SEO strategy for conversions. You also need to optimize for keyword variations in the content as well.

How is it calculated?

It's a simple formula that calculates how many times a keyword is used over the total number of words in your article or text.

If you use the term Plagiarism Checker, it will be considered as one keyword, and the formula will be (1/Tkn)x100.

How to deal with keyword Stuffing?

If the density is less than 3 percent, then it’s not a problem. But if it exceeds this limit, then it is considered keyword stuffing.

First Trick is to use different synonyms. For example, you could say plagiarism detector instead of a plagiarism checker, plagiarism software, or copy-paste checker.

This article was created for writing, which helps it get more human readers and increases sentence fluency. Article rewriting has become popular over the past years.

The second trick to increasing your text's length is to ensure it’s not too short. You should have at least 300 words.

Should I Even Use Density Analysis Software?

These types of tools are still helpful for a lot of people, especially when used in conjunction with the right strategies.

The above points were referenced in trying to fix old issues from outdated tips & were mentioned how 'optimizing for some arbitrary exact density often misses the mark. It’s still possible to use the power of analysis to uncover many opportunities.

 When I entered the SEO game, I had software telling me to tweak to exact percentages. After realizing how futile that was, it only fueled my rage.

We created this free tool so that people could monitor their keyword density and be warned when they start using a word or combination of words without actually building quality content.

Why Use Our Keyword Density Tool?

We found that the existing checkers in the market generally work the same way. Count the repeating times for each word in one article and divide the total word number.

It’s a fantastic feat, but it may not be the ideal way to achieve the goal.

We decide to do more.

Use this tool to help you analyze your writing. Learn your best words and what you need to pay more attention to in your writing.

And does a great job of detecting all of the important words and phrases within the meta descriptions, allowing you to make sure that your meta description is doing its job as

The result will be sorted by keyword frequency and grouped by one to four-word terms.

Advanced options, such as stopword min length limitation, are easily customizable for the checking procedure.

Which Parts are Calculated by Keyword Density Checker?

If you choose to use Percentage by a page load, we will first use the percentage function to calculate the percentage value of the data that are loaded by the given URLs from the HTML content, then fetch all the

Moreover, tags are not used to calculate density, as search engines do.

What are LSI Keywords?

LSI keywords are words or phrases that closely relate to your target keyword.

The same holds for content that targets a keyword like ‘Coffee’ – the By concentrating on writing in-depth articles about your content topics, you'll naturally include many LSI.

So you'll want to keep these in mind when writing about coffee...

If you're unsure which keywords are best for your SEO, we can help with our keyword research services.


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