Check GZIP compression
What does gzip compression do?
It compresses the file so that the size is less than the specified size. If the file size is smaller than the specified size, it will use this to save time. For example, you can use zlib to compress large files and gzip to compress small files.
What is Brotli?
Brotli is a web-based compression algorithm developed by Google that is used internally to reduce the size of its website files. They have released Brotli as an open-source project and encourage people to use it. It is also called a lossless compression algorithm.
Q: Why is it necessary to enable gzip compression on your website?
- Gzip compression is needed to load your website faster.
- Gzip compression saves bandwidth, faster loading time, and better search engine rankings.
- It's easy to do, and there are a few negative consequences to enabling it.
- Google Chrome will automatically compress any webpages you visit if it detects gzip compression headers.
- The only downside to enabling it is that some older browsers (like Internet Explorer) don't support it.
Here, we list things you can do to speed up your website.
What to know:
1. Optimise your CSS and Javascript files. |
2. Use compression tools to reduce the size of the images you upload. |
3. Remove any unnecessary stylesheets, scripts, and images. |
4. Reduce the size of your fonts to improve loading speed. |
5. Enable gzip compression for your website. |
6. Optimize the size of your favicon. |
7. Ensure your server is configured to accept the HTTP/2 protocol. |
8. Keep your style and layout simple and easy for users to navigate. |
Top 10 tips for loading your webpages faster
Loading webpages fast can be one of the most frustrating things about browsing the internet because you need to wait. The truth is that there's no real reason to be slow.
So you know that many tips can help speed up your website.
So, we've prepared the top 10 to speed up your page load times.
Tip 1: Don't use inline images.
Inline images can slow down your webpage a lot. If you have an image that takes up a lot of space on your web page, you should make a separate CSS file to include your images in, but if you want to stick to using inline images, use this trick: In your style.css, set the display property of all your images to block.
Tip 2: Set the background of the body to white.
If your page's background isn't white, the pixels around your images on the screen will consume bandwidth.
Tip 3: Make sure to cache your pages.
An excellent way to do this is to set up a Google webmaster tool account. Once you submit your website, you can track how often your web pages are visited and determine which ones to cache.
Tip 4: Compress all your assets.
All your website's HTML, JavaScript, and images should be compressed. This will make your files smaller and more accessible to download. There are two ways to compress your assets:
a. You can compress them with free software like GZIP
b. You can compress them with a paid program like WPC.
Tip 5: Use the proper HTTP headers.
When you create a webpage, you should put the most crucial information at the top. The browser must send the content down first and read the HTTP headers later. Use all your space wisely!
Tip 6: Keep it simple.
The less code on your web page, the faster it will load. Keep your style and layout simple and easy for users to navigate.
Tip 7: Make your CSS and JavaScript last longer.
To do this, you can add CSS class selectors to classes in your HTML document. If you have too many classes, add a sub-class or a class selector for each CSS class.
For example, you could add this to the class of a link:
"class= "link-green"
Tip 8: Minimize your HTTP requests.
You can optimize your pages by only loading the resources you need. You can also preload images, videos, and other content using a service like Google AMP. Google also lets you see your site's performance with its Page Speed insight tool.
Tip 9: Optimize your code.
If you have unused variables, unneeded scripts, or unnecessary images on your webpage, you can eliminate these and simplify the code.
Tip 10: Keep it consistent.
The easiest way to make a website fast is to follow a few simple rules. All the pages on your website should have the same color scheme, font size, etc.
So please don't make your site look pretty; ensure it's easy for your users to access.