Grammar Checker

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Di Grammar Checker

How does the grammar checker work?

This tool checks for grammar and spelling mistakes in paragraphs, such as commas, dots, and repeated words.

How to use a grammar checker?

Just paste your paragraphs in the box and click on check text it will find out the grammar errors.

Top 10 Facts about the English Language


The world's most popular form of English is the English language (i.e., American English, British English, Australian English, New Zealand English, Canadian English, etc.). It is also a worldwide language spoken by almost 1.3 billion people. Although English is one of the most common languages, its number of native speakers is declining. English is used by the educated and the rich, not the poor and the illiterate.


A large number of learners of English are from non-English-speaking countries. This is because the English spoken there is not the same as in England, America, and Australia. If learners speak one of the forms of English used in the country of origin, then they are not learning English. For example, in China, the students learn Chinese; in India, the students study Hindi; in Korea, Korean; in Japan, Japanese; in Malaysia, Malay; in the Philippines, Filipino; and so on.


 Learners of English are mainly adults from the United Kingdom and North America. Many of these learners come from other countries such as Canada, Australia, South Africa, India, and Nigeria.


When English learners start learning the language, they usually use the British (or Canadian, Australian, New Zealand, etc.) form of the language. At this stage, the learner does not use different grammatical structures and sounds and does not understand the differences between the language's colloquial, formal, slang, regional and dialectal forms. Learners must study vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation before moving on to the more advanced stages.


English is a highly complex language. Its grammar has two main parts. One part is the subject matter or structure, while the other is the grammar. Learning the subject matter of English is relatively easy for most learners of English. However, mastering the grammar of English requires an immense amount of study and practice.


The grammar of English consists of four parts:

a. Word order (i.e., the order of words in a sentence).

b. Grammar rules (the patterns used to form sentences, paragraphs, chapters, and books).

c. Vocabulary (the words, phrases, and clauses used in the language).

d. Syntax (the patterns used to combine words and clauses to form sentences).


Grammar is very different from other subjects in schools because the teacher can only teach it through the medium of the language.


One of the most common errors English learners make is using the wrong forms of verbs. They may use the verb's past simple, present perfect, progressive, and future forms to express the same meaning.

However, the past simple form expresses past events; the present perfect form shows how long ago something happened; the progressive form indicates a series of things occurring in the future, and the future form tells what will happen at some time in the future.


A large number of learners also mix up tenses (past, present, and future), especially with the verbs “to be” and “to do.” The correct usage of the different tenses of the verb, according to the tense, is essential in understanding the meaning of a passage.


Another mistake many English learners make is that they cannot identify the nouns and verbs in a sentence. This results in the sentence looking vague and full of errors.


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