CSR Decoder

Acerca de CSR Decoder

A certificate Signing Request (CSR) is a document you use to request a third-party certificate for encryption or authentication. A CSR provides a way for a user to request a certificate signing request. First, you should have a signed agreement with your certification authority (CA). Then you create a CSR using OpenSSL and upload it to your CA’s website using their web interface.

How can I decrypt CSR?

Just paste your CSR certificate in the box to decode it

What’s a Certificate Authority?

A Certification Authority (CA) is a third-party entity that generates and issues certificates (also known as X.509 certificates). For example, suppose you want to verify the authenticity of a particular website. In that case, you’d typically need to obtain a certificate issued by a CA (a trusted certificate authority), such as a significant commercial certification authority or government agency. The SSL protocol uses a public key encryption algorithm such as RSA or DSA to establish secure communications between a client and a server. Typically, this public key creates a digital signature embedded into the data stream as part of the security mechanism. You must have a digital certificate issued by one of the CAs to validate your identity.

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